From my earliest days I can remember always wanting to be an artist and, in turn, an art teacher. I went to the High School of Music and Art and therefore had an extended background in all the creative arts. My next step was obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queens College, majoring in Art and minoring in Education, and becoming a New York City art teacher.
I completed my Master of Art degree at UCLA. I continued teaching and always painted with was my first love. I have taught art on the junior and senior high school levels, in continuing education as well as privately. I have participated in many juried shows in New Your City and Long Island.
My watercolors are painted “alla prima,” that is, directly without pencil. I want the colors to have spontaneity and crispness. Having been a textile designer at one time, I bring fabric into play, along with natural forms, such as plants, flowers or still life subjects. I am always after repetition, fluidity of design and unusual color combinations.
My landscapes attempt to capture light, mood and atmosphere found in the endless number of beautiful Long Island scenes.
High School of Music and Art
Queens College, BA in Art
UCLA, MA in Art
Professional Experience
Art Teacher, Junior and Senior High School, Adult Continuing Education
Juried Shows
2018 Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, NYC – 121st Annual Show
2018 Artist Choice B.J. Spoke Gallery, Huntington
2018 Winners Showcase of Long Island, Mills Pond Gallery
2018 Artist of the Month, Long Island Museum Stony Brook
2017 Quotidian Exhibit Art League
2017 Gallery North, Setauket, “The Art of Eating” Show
2017 Huntington Art Council (Petite Gallery), Huntington, Masters Show
2016 Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, NYC, 120th Annual Open Exhibit (Qualified for Membership)
2016 Smithtown Township Arts Council, St. James, Members’ Show (Winner Award)
2016 Gallery North, Setauket, Botanical Show
2016 Long Island Museum, Stony Brook, “I’ve Got the Music in Me” Show
2016 Huntington Arts Council (Petite Gallery), Huntington, “Conversations in Color” Show
2016 Art League of Long Island Gallery, Dix Hills, Figure Show
2016 Huntington Arts Council (Petite Gallery) Huntington, “condition of Light Affecting the Landscape of Long Island” show –
Honorable Mention Award
2015 Gallery North, Setauket, “Deck the Halls” Show
2015 Huntington Arts Council (Petite Gallery), Huntington, “Don’t Eat This!” Show
2014 Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, NYC – 118st Annual Open Exhibit
2014 Smithtown Township Arts Council, St. James, Juried Competition
2013 Bayard Cutting Arboretum, Great River, Juried Art Show
Art Exhibitions
2017 SYJCC One Woman Show
Huntington Arts Council
Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club
Smithtown Township Arts Council
Long Island Museum, Stony Brook
Art League of Long Island